The Division has continuously updated the knowledge of materials characterization techniques and is endowed with advanced skills and competences which allow to offer also to collaborators and customers, internal and external to the Agency, a large number of opportunities to match their requests.
The infrastructures and skills in the development of new procedures and protocols for analysis and the integrated qualification that are available today, allow the development of new materials and also the qualification of materials to identify their strengths and weaknesses.
Examples of these services are: the engineering development and qualification of materials, components and devices; consultancy and technology services to businesses and the public administration; the microstructural, chemical-physical, mechanical and thermo-mechanical characterization of materials; functionality tests (stress, temperature, corrosion, etc.); non-destructive testing with ultrasound and IR thermography; advanced diagnostic through morphological and structural micro-characterization; optical, thermal and chemical analyses; the assessment of the thermal insulation of buildings and industrial welding processes.
In some cases, even the analysis tools are developed in house, for example for the air quality monitoring sensors and for functional testing of the light efficiency of OLEDs.