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EIT Raw Materials RIS

Funding type: 
EU Programmes
EU Programme: 
2 January 2021 to 31 December 2022
ENEA role: 
ENEA Project Leader: 
Michele Penza
Other ENEA Personnel: 
Antonio Donatelli

RIS Education & Entrepreneurship project is a centrally steered RIS activity to bring top-down orientation and boost impact and create activities building up capacity for higher education institutions in RIS regions to be able to successfully active partner in local ecosystem and be able to bring products to the market through their innovation activities while connecting KIC education activities with business creating activities supporting action line 2 goals by connecting local RIS players with broader KIC community and programs. The main focus of the EIT RawMaterials Hub – Regional Center Southern Italy is devoted to:

  • Recycling and Reuse
  • Substitution
  • Functional Materials for Manufacturing
  • Innovative Materials for Transportation
  • Circular Economy

The target audience of the Southern Italy Hub is the entire raw materials value chain, where the Hub is continuously developing its database of contacts, ongoing networking and planned matchmaking activities in the prioritised sectors. The long-term strategy includes urban mining, exploration and high-impact Cross-KIC activities in key interdisciplinary sectors such as climate, digital, manufacturing. The Strategic Agenda of the Hub – Regional Center Southern Italy includes specific initiatives such as research and innovation, training and education, and finally business support.

Attività svolta da ENEA:

Il progetto si baserà sulle attività avviate da ENEA nel Sud Italia, prevalentemente ma non esclusivamente in Puglia, per implementare uno sforzo integrato di portatori di interesse, privati e pubblici, nel settore delle materie prime critiche. Il progetto internazionale di Formazione mirerà ad aumentare la presenza della KIC, mettendo in relazione studenti universitari ed aziende dell’area RCSI operanti nel settore delle materie prime mediante stage aziendali, formazione frontale, training-on-the-job, learning-by-doing, doing-by-learning per raggiungere nuove organizzazioni private e/o pubbliche, e promuovere modelli di innovazione nelle regioni scarsamente coinvolte del Sud Italia (Puglia, Campania, Calabria, Molise, Basilicata, Sicilia, Sardegna).