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Plastic power sources

TitlePlastic power sources
Publication TypeArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsAppetecchi, Giovanni Battista, Panero S., Spila E., and Scrosati B.
JournalJournal of Applied Electrochemistry
KeywordsConductive plastics, Electrolytic capacitors, Ions, Lithium batteries, Lithium ion polymer batteries, Plastic films, Polymer electrolytes, Polypyrroles, Solid electrolytes

Lithium ion polymer batteries and laminated solid-state redox supercapacitors, formed by placing a highly conducting gel-type membrane electrolyte between a graphite film and a composite cathode film and between a poly(pyrrole)-poly(aniline) electrode combination, respectively, have been fabricated and tested. The preliminary results are encouraging in suggesting that these plastic power sources may be particularly advantageous for mobile electronic products and for zero emission electric vehicles.


cited By 3

Citation KeyAppetecchi19981299