Produzione Scientifica
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The Role of Vegetation on Urban Atmosphere of Three European Cities. Part 2: Evaluation of Vegetation Impact on Air Pollutant Concentrations and Depositions,
, Forests, Jan-06-2023, Volume 14, Issue 6, Number 6, p.1255, (2023)
Thermal monitoring of laser metal deposition strategies using infrared thermography,
, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Volume 85, p.594-611, (2023)
In situ monitoring of direct laser metal deposition of a nickel-based superalloy using infrared thermography,
, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, (2020)
Sustainable, fluorine-free, low cost and easily processable materials for hydrophobic coatings on flexible plastic substrates,
, Materials, Volume 12, Number 14, (2019)
Transport and fate of 137Cs in the Mediterranean and Black Seas system during 1945–2020 period: A modelling study,
, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 208-209, (2019)
Eumelanin coating of silica aerogel by supercritical carbon dioxide deposition of a 5,6-Dihydroxyindole thin film,
, Materials, Volume 11, Number 9, (2018)
Feedback mechanisms between snow and atmospheric mercury: Results and observations from field campaigns on the Antarctic plateau,
, Chemosphere, Volume 197, p.306-317, (2018)
Gravure printing for thin film ceramics manufacturing from nanoparticles,
, Ceramics International, Volume 44, Number 16, p.19526-19534, (2018)
Modelling study of soil C, N and pH response to air pollution and climate change using European LTER site observations,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 640-641, p.387-399, (2018)
Preliminary study on the atmospheric contribution of metals to surface sea water at Lampedusa (Central Mediterranean Sea).,
, 2018///, Volume 20, p.14383 - 14383, (2018)
Reactive bipolar pulsed dual magnetron sputtering of ZrN films: The effect of duty cycle,
, Applied Surface Science, Volume 427, p.994-1002, (2018)
Annealing free, high quality CVD graphene growth and transfer,
, Springer Proceedings in Physics, Volume 178, p.325-330, (2017)
Multi-year record of atmospheric and snow surface nitrate in the central Antarctic plateau,
, Chemosphere, Volume 172, p.341-354, (2017)
Combined effect of double antireflection coating and reversible molecular doping on performance of few-layer graphene/n-silicon Schottky barrier solar cells,
, Solar Energy, Volume 127, p.198-205, (2016)
Electrophoretic deposition of Au NPs on MWCNT-based gas sensor for tailored gas detection with enhanced sensing properties,
, Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, Volume 223, p.417-428, (2016)
Improving magnesium based systems for efficient hydrogen storage tanks,
, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 41, Number 32, p.14455-14460, (2016)
Particle deposition in a peri-urban Mediterranean forest,
, Environmental Pollution, Volume 218, p.1278-1286, (2016)
Removal of PM10 by forests as a nature-based solution for air quality improvement in the Metropolitan city of rome,
, Forests, Volume 7, Number 7, (2016)
Electrophoretic deposition of lignin reinforced polymer coatings,
, Key Engineering Materials, Volume 654, p.247-251, (2015)
Electrophoretically deposited polymeric films: Evidence of correlation between Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy measurements and morphological properties,
, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Volume 162, Number 11, p.D3071-D3076, (2015)
Influence of welding parameters on microstructure of welded joints SMAW/GTAW steel X10 CrMoVNb 9-1 (P91) [Influenza dei parametri di saldatura sulla microstruttura di giunti saldati SMAW/GTAW di acciaio X 10 CrMoVNb 9-1 (P91)],
, Metallurgia Italiana, Volume 107, Number 3, p.37-45, (2015)
Electrophoretic deposition of Au NPs on CNT networks for sensitive NO2 detection,
, Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems, Volume 3, Number 2, p.245-250, (2014)
Fast growth of polycrystalline graphene by chemical vapor deposition of ethanol on copper,
, 2014 IEEE 9th Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference, NMDC 2014, p.69-72, (2014)
Future impacts of nitrogen deposition and climate change scenarios on forest crown defoliation,
, Environmental Pollution, Volume 194, p.171-180, (2014)
Morphological and structural characterization of Sm-O-S compounds prepared by thermolysis of dithiocarbamate precursors,
, Thin Solid Films, Volume 556, p.241-246, (2014)