Produzione Scientifica
Found 5 results
Filters: Keyword is soil microflora [Clear All Filters]
Culturomics- and metagenomics-based insights into the soil microbiome preservation and application for sustainable agriculture,
, Frontiers in Microbiology, Volume 15, (2024)
Isolation of biocrust cyanobacteria and evaluation of Cu, Pb, and Zn immobilisation potential for soil restoration and sustainable agriculture,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 946, (2024)
Bioaccumulation of antibiotics and resistance genes in lettuce following cattle manure and digestate fertilization and their effects on soil and phyllosphere microbial communities,
, Environmental Pollution, Volume 315, p.120413, (2022)
Isolation and characterization in a soil conditioned with foaming agents of a bacterial consortium able to degrade sodium lauryl ether sulfate,
, Frontiers in Microbiology, Volume 11, p.1542, (2020)
Air pollution impact assessment on agroecosystem and human health characterisation in the area surrounding the industrial settlement of Milazzo (Italy): A multidisciplinary approach,
, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Volume 140, Number 1-3, p.191-209, (2008)