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Produzione Scientifica

Found 18 results
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High power XeF laser with a phase-unifying unstable cavity, Aghamkar, P., Andrè B., de Tomasi F., Perrone M.R., Piegari A., Protopapa Maria Lucia, and Ravel G. , Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 4829 II, Firenze, p.675-677, (2003)
Multiple spot mirrors as total reflectors inside stable XeCl laser cavities, Rizzo, Antonella, Aghamkar P., de Tomasi F., Perrone M.R., Protopapa Maria Lucia, and Scaglione S. , Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 4829 II, Firenze, p.678-680, (2003)
Phase-unifying mirrors for high-power XeF excimer lasers, de Tomasi, F., Aghamkar P., Perrone M.R., Protopapa Maria Lucia, Piegari A., Andre' B., and Ravel G. , Applied Physics Letters, Volume 82, Number 12, p.1809-1811, (2003)
Influence of standing-wave electric field pattern on the laser damage resistance of HfO2 thin films, Protopapa, Maria Lucia, Alvisi Marco, de Tomasi F., Di Giulio M., Perrone M.R., and Scaglione S. , Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Part A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films, Volume 20, Number 3, p.643-650, (2002)
Ion assistance effects on electron beam deposited MgF2 films, Alvisi, Marco, de Tomasi F., A. Patria Della, Di Giulio M., Masetti E., Perrone M.R., Protopapa Maria Lucia, and Tepore A. , Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Part A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films, Volume 20, Number 3, p.714-720, (2002)
Laser irradiation effects on the resistance of SmS films, de Tomasi, F., Perrone M.R., Protopapa Maria Lucia, and Leo G. , Thin Solid Films, Volume 413, Number 1-2, p.171-176, (2002)
Lidar monitoring of tropospheric aerosols over the Sallentum peninsula (Italy), de Tomasi, F., Perrone M.R., Pompa P.P., and Protopapa Maria Lucia , Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 4484, San Diego, CA, p.170-177, (2002)
Evolution of the beam quality factor for various active medium positions within a Gaussian cavity, de Tomasi, F., Perrone M.R., and Protopapa Maria Lucia , Optics Communications, Volume 195, Number 5-6, p.315-325, (2001)
Laser damage dependence on structural and optical properties of ion-assisted HfO2 thin films, Alvisi, Marco, de Tomasi F., Perrone M.R., Protopapa Maria Lucia, Rizzo Antonella, Sarto F., and Scaglione S. , Thin Solid Films, Volume 396, Number 1-2, p.44-52, (2001)
Laser damage studies on MgF2 thin films, Protopapa, Maria Lucia, de Tomasi F., Perrone M.R., Piegari A., Masetti E., Ristau D., Quesnel E., and Duparre A. , Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Part A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films, Volume 19, Number 2, p.681-688, (2001)
Monitoring O3 with solar-blind Raman lidars, de Tomasi, F., and Protopapa Maria Lucia , Applied Optics, Volume 40, Number 9, p.1314-1320, (2001)
Stimulated rotational and vibrational Raman scattering by elliptical polarized pump radiation, de Tomasi, F., Diso D., Perrone M.R., and Protopapa Maria Lucia , Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Volume 64, Number 2, p.023812/1-023812/8, (2001)
Effects of structural properties and electric field distribution on the laser-damage threshold of HfO2 thin films, Protopapa, Maria Lucia, Alvisi Marco, Di Giulio M., de Tomasi F., Perrone M.R., Torsello G., and Valentini A. , Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 4070, Potenza-Lecce, Italy, p.380-386, (2000)
Fine trimming of SmS film resistance by XeCl laser ablation, Miodushevsky, P., Protopapa Maria Lucia, de Tomasi F., Perrone M.R., Tundo S., and Vasanelli L. , Thin Solid Films, Volume 359, Number 2, p.251-254, (2000)
Ground-based Raman-lidar for day and night measurements of water vapor in the boundary layer, de Tomasi, F., Perrone M.R., and Protopapa Maria Lucia , Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica C, Volume 23, Number 6, p.587-596, (2000)
Solar blind lidar for continuous monitoring of water vapour, Torsello, G., de Tomasi F., Protopapa Maria Lucia, and Perrone M.R. , Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 4070, Potenza-Lecce, Italy, p.108-113, (2000)
Daytime Raman LIDAR for vertical profiling of water vapour and Ozone, de Tomasi, F., Torsello G., Diso D., Protopapa Maria Lucia, and Perrone M.R. , Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 3867, Florence, Italy, p.228-233, (1999)