Project EIT Raw Materials RmProSchool
RawMaterials High Level Professional School
EIT RM High Level Professional School will provide a course programme which is far beyond state of the art. World leading specialists will teach their experience, knowledge and insights to the participants. The courses will reach beyond textbook knowledge — the content will include the latest results, findings and theoretical approaches which have a high potential for innovation by implementation and therefore probably will be in the text books of the next generation. The programme will bridge the gap between scientific discussion and university teaching, because the conversion speed from new knowledge and theories to academic teaching or commercial education is now too slow. The programme aims at both internal members of the KIC as well as the staff of all other entities active in the resources business — technical fellows, group and department leaders in production and R&D, specialised sales engineers, as well as managers in middle and upper management.
The start-up phase of this high level professional school develops a qualitative evaluation system, which evaluates and identifies potential training topics and teachers. The operational phase will start with some pilot courses end of 2016 and the first official courses will be available in 2017. Through a continuous growth in the upcoming years it will form clusters of courses from which a distance learning Master programme can be developed.
Attività svolta da ENEA
L'ENEA partecipa a riunioni, di persona e telematiche, dedicate alla impostazione generale delle attività e al reclutamento degli insegnanti più opportuni da coinvolgere nei corsi di formazione erogati dai partner - principalmente accademici - del progetto.