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Progetto FLEXNET

Network of Excellence for building up Knowledge for improved Systems Integration for Flexible Organic and Large Area Electronics (FOLAE) and its exploitation

Funding type: 
EU Programmes
EU Programme: 
Settimo Programma Quadro R&ST (2007-2013)
1 October 2010 to 31 December 2012
ENEA role: 
Reference laboratory: 

In the NoE FlexNet, 17 participants from eleven European countries work together in order to support Europe in becoming a world leader in Flexible, Organic and Large Area Electronics (FOLAE). FlexNet aims at interlinking Europe's FOLAE-expertise in the domains of science, technology development, components, devices and systems integration technologies. A special emphasis will be set on the subsequent commercial exploitation of FOLAE-based systems knowledge especially through SMEs, in order to enable a wide spread of FOLAE-based future business in Europe.\n\nThe NoE FlexNet will support the integration process of the scientific excellence of FOLAE-oriented European research on Materials, Devices and Systems. This part is complementary to the NoE PolyNet efforts. In addition, FlexNet will integrate excellent scientific capacities from Southern and Eastern Europe.\n\nFlexNet partners have identified the organic transistor as the most crucial building block in order to realised integrated organic systems. Therefore, the scientific focus of the NoE FlexNet will be set on the application of FOLAE-specific organic semiconductors as well as supporting materials for OTFTs including research on interface properties, barrier materials, characterisation, and OTFT device integration into systems. Further topics of dedicated attention and activity will be devices characterisation, systems integration, modelling and design of systems, and manufacturing processes for systems.\n\nAccordingly, NoE FlexNet will be structured in three platforms:\n- A platform FOLAE Materials and Devices Integration,\n- A platform Systems Integration and\n- A platform Knowledge, Dissemination and Transfer to industry\n\nThe knowledge associated to these topics will actively be made available to European stakeholders from research and industry, especially SMEs, in Southern and Eastern Europe. This will make FlexNet a bidirectional catalyst for information transfer in the FOLAE area between West-Central- and South-Eastern Europe.\n\nFlexNet will work in close contact with existing coordination actions in the FOLAE area like the Quadriga projects. This will ensure additional support in unifying and streamlining the fragmented FOLAE R&D arena in Europe.