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Errico, V., Palano F., & Campanelli S.L. (2024). Advancing powder bed fusion-laser beam technology: in-situ layerwise thermal monitoring solutions for thin-wall fabrication. Progress in Additive Manufacturing.
Mirabile Gattia, D., Palombi A., Coglitore A., De Pascalis F., Nacucchi M., Palano F., et al. (2023). Production of a Ti6Al4V Automobile’s Lower Control Arm with EBM. Key Engineering Materials. 964, 41 – 46.
Mazzarisi, M., Angelastro A., Latte M., Colucci T., Palano F., & Campanelli S.L. (2023). Thermal monitoring of laser metal deposition strategies using infrared thermography. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 85, 594-611.
De Giorgi, M., Nobile R., & Palano F. (2021). Kf evaluation in GFRP composites by thermography. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 11,
Mazzarisi, M., Campanelli S.L., Angelastro A., Palano F., & Dassisti M. (2020). In situ monitoring of direct laser metal deposition of a nickel-based superalloy using infrared thermography. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology.