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This section gathers the most relevant Projects of the last 10 years with the participation of Divisione Tecnologie e processi dei materiali per la sostenibilità.

90 Projects are currently available, most of which are/were funded by EU Programmes.

For more information about ENEA participation to EU Projects please refer to the official database on

Hai selezionato 10 progetti
Title Funding Framework Programme Date Start End Date Project Manager
STRutturE intelligenti e funzionalizzAte per il Miglioramento delle prestazioni aerostrutturali
National Programmes Jul 2021 Dec 2024 Carmela Borriello
Laboratory Nanomaterials and devices
PAnels Recycling to create SIlicon VALue chain
EU Programmes EIT Jan 2023 Dec 2024 Maria Lucia Protopapa
Laboratory Functional materials and technologies for sustainable applications
EIT Raw materials FENICE_23
Fire rEsistant eNvironmental frIendly CompositEs
EU Programmes HORIZON 2020 Jan 2023 Dec 2025 Claudio Mingazzini
Laboratory Material technologies Faenza
Sistema di Monitoraggio AmbientaLe nano-SATellitare
Regional Programmes Programmi Regionali Feb 2024 Jan 2026 Matteo Scafè
Laboratory Material technologies Faenza
Materiali compositi Avanzati ottenuti dal Riciclo di materiali di Sfrido (o Scarto)
National Programmes Jun 2023 May 2026 Sergio Galvagno
Laboratory Nanomaterials and devices
Composites for Advanced Mass PRoduction of Energy Storages
Other Programmes Programmi Regionali Feb 2024 Aug 2026 Claudio Mingazzini
Laboratory Material technologies Faenza
Biobased fiber Reinforced composItes vaLidation and end of LIfe treAtmeNT
Other Programmes Programmi Regionali Feb 2024 Aug 2026 Claudio Mingazzini
Laboratory Material technologies Faenza
Renovation packagEs for HOlistic improvement of EU’s bUildingS Efficiency, maximizing RES generation and cost-effectiveness
EU Programmes HORIZON Europe Oct 2022 Sep 2026 Vincenza Anna Maria Luprano
Laboratory Functional materials and technologies for sustainable applications
Scuola della Ricostruzione e della Resilienza
Other Programmes Agenzia per la coesione Territoriale Nov 2023 Nov 2026 Vincenza Anna Maria Luprano
Laboratory Functional materials and technologies for sustainable applications
MULTI-faceted CLIMate adaptation ACTions to improve resilience, preparedness and responsiveness of the built environment against multiple hazards at multiple scales
EU Programmes HORIZON Europe Oct 2023 Mar 2027 Vincenza Anna Maria Luprano
Laboratory Functional materials and technologies for sustainable applications