Produzione scientifica
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Filtri: Parola Chiave is Bending strength [Clear All Filters]
Effects of oxidation on surface stresses and mechanical properties of liquid phase pressureless-sintered SiC-AlN-Y2O3 ceramics,
, Materials Science and Engineering A, Volume 486, Number 1-2, p.381-388, (2008)
Defect-free zirconia-based materials for orthopaedic implants,
, Materials Forum, Volume 29, p.157-160, (2005)
Properties of liquid phase pressureless sintered silicon carbide obtained without sintering bed,
, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Volume 25, Number 9, p.1619-1627, (2005)
Reuse of residues arising from lead batteries recycle: A feasibility study,
, Waste Management, Volume 22, Number 8, p.925-930, (2002)
Presureless sintering and properties of αSiC-B4C composite,
, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Volume 21, Number 5, p.633-638, (2001)
Flexural strength and toughness of liquid phase sintered silicon carbide,
, Ceramics International, Volume 26, Number 5, p.495-500, (2000)