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Immunotherapy of plant viral diseases, Benvenuto, Eugenio, and Taviadoraki P. , Trends in Microbiology, 1995, Volume 3, p.272 - 275, (1995)
Life span and lymphoma incidence in high or low antibody responder mice from selection GS, Covelli, V., Coppola M., Di Majo V., Rebessi S., Saran Anna, Pazzaglia Simonetta, Pioli Claudio, Mouton D., Bouthillier Y., Biozzi G., et al. , Aging: Immunology and Infectious Disease, Volume 6, Number 2, p.95-106, (1995)
Acrylamide-induced chromosomal damage in male mouse germ cells detected by cytogenetic analysis of one-cell zygotes, Pacchierotti, Francesca, Tiveron C., D'Archivio M., Bassani B., Cordelli Eugenia, Leter Giorgio, and Spanò M. , Mutation Research Regular Papers, Volume 309, Number 2, p.273-284, (1994)
Comparison of 7,12-Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene-DNA Adduction in the Epidermis of Two Lines of Mice Selected for Resistance (CAR-R) or Susceptibility (CAR-S) to Skin Carcinogenesis, Perin, F., Perin O., Barat N., Plessis M.J., Saran Anna, Pioli Claudio, Covelli V., Biozzi G., and Mouton D. , Cancer Research, Volume 54, Number 17, p.4635-4640, (1994)
Genetics of chemical carcinogenesis-II. papilloma induction and malignant conversion in susceptible (car-s) and resistant (car-r) lines of mice produced by bidirectional selective breeding and in their (car-s×car-r) f1 hybrids, Pioli, Claudio, Saran Anna, Mouton D., Troiani C., Doria G., Covelli V., Neveu T., and Biozzi G. , Carcinogenesis, Volume 15, Number 11, p.2629-2635, (1994)
An investigation of possible processes of radiocaesium release from organic upland soils to water bodies, Hilton, J., and Spezzano Pasquale , Water Research, Volume 28, Number 4, p.975-983, (1994)
Micronuclei and 3AB index in human and canine lymphocytes after in vitro X-irradiation, Catena, C., Conti D., Villani Paola, Nastasi R., Archilei R., and Righi E. , Mutation Research/Environmental Mutagenesis and Related Subjects, Volume 312, Number 1, p.1-8, (1994)
Micronuclei and 3AB index in X-irradiated human lymphocytes in G1 and G1 phases, Catena, C., Villani Paola, Conti D., and Righi E. , Mutation Research Regular Papers, Volume 311, Number 2, p.231-237, (1994)
Micronuclei and 3AB-index in patients receiving Iodine-131 therapy, Catena, C., Villani Paola, Nastasi R., Conti D., Righi E., Salerno G., Righi V.A., and Ronga G. , Journal of Nuclear Biology and Medicine, Volume 38, Number 4, p.586-593, (1994)
Murine recombinant interleukin-3 induces recovery of T and B cells in irradiated mice, Frasca, D., Leter Giorgio, and Doria G. , Blood, Volume 83, Number 6, p.1563-1568, (1994)
Oral pathology in autologous bone marrow transplantation (ABMT). Its prevention and local treatment [Patologie orali nel trapianto autologo di midollo osseo (ABMT). Prevenzione e terapia locale.], Cocchi, F., Armanino R., Del Bono P., Gandolfo A.M., Mangiante S., Pannacciulli Federica, and Turchetti S. , Minerva stomatologica, Volume 43, Number 1-2, p.7-15, (1994)
Seasonal variations of 137Cs activities in the Dora Baltea River (Northwest Italy) after the chernobyl accident, Spezzano, Pasquale, Bortoluzzi S., Giacomelli R., and Massironi L. , Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 22, Number 1, p.77-88, (1994)
Sequence of the phytoene desaturase locus of tomato., Aracri, B., Bartley G.E., Scolnik P.A., and Giuliano Giovanni , Plant physiology, Volume 106, Number 2, p.789, (1994)
Anticholinesterase activity measurement by a choline biosensor: application in water analysis, Bernabei, M., Chiavarini Salvatore, Cremisini C., and Palleschi G. , Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Volume 8, Number 5, p.265-271, (1993)
Constitutive, light-responsive and circadian clock-responsive factors compete for the different I box elements in plant light-regulated promoters, Borello, U., Ceccarelli E., and Giuliano Giovanni , Plant Journal, Volume 4, Number 4, p.611-619, (1993)
Determination of 2-ethyl-1-hexanol as contaminant in drinking water., Vitali, M., Leoni V., Chiavarini Salvatore, and Cremisini C. , Journal of AOAC International, Volume 76, Number 5, p.1133-1137, (1993)
Immunogenetic factors in the incidence of experimental tumors [FATTORI IMMUNOGENETICI NELLA INSORGENZA DI TUMORI SPERIMENTALI], Doria, G., Pioli Claudio, Saran Anna, and Covelli V. , Annali Italiani di Medicina Interna, Volume 8, Number 2, p.104-107, (1993)
Melatonin increases antigen presentation and amplifies specific and non specific signals for T-cell proliferation, Pioli, Claudio, Caroleo M.C., Nistico' G., and Doriac G. , International Journal of Immunopharmacology, Volume 15, Number 4, p.463-468, (1993)
Pedogeochemical evolution and trace elements availability to plants in ophiolitic soils, Angelone, Massimo, Vaselli O., Bini C., and Coradossi N. , Science of the Total Environment, The, Volume 129, Number 3, p.291-309, (1993)
Regulation of carotenoid biosynthesis during tomato development, Giuliano, Giovanni, Bartley G.E., and Scolnik P.A. , Plant Cell, Volume 5, Number 4, p.379-387, (1993)
Remobilization of caesium from freshwater sediments, Davison, W., Spezzano Pasquale, and Hilton J. , Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 19, Number 2, p.109-124, (1993)
Retention of radioactive caesium by different soils in the catchment of a small lake, Hilton, J., Livens F.R., Spezzano Pasquale, and Leonard D.R.P. , Science of the Total Environment, The, Volume 129, Number 3, p.253-266, (1993)
The variability of Chernobyl Cs retention in the water column of lakes in the English Lake District, two years and four years after deposition, Spezzano, Pasquale, Hilton J., Lishman J.P., and Carrick T.R. , Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 19, Number 3, p.213-232, (1993)