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Progetto EICOON

Euro-Indo forum for nano-materials research coordination & cooperation of researchers in sustainable energy technologies

Tipo di Finanziamento: 
Programmi dell'Unione Europea
Programma UE: 
Settimo Programma Quadro R&ST (2007-2013)
da 1 Settembre 2009 a 31 Agosto 2012
Ruolo ENEA: 
Laboratorio di riferimento: 

'In a globalized world energy is a decisive factor for the further development and economic and social well being of the nations and stability in the different world regions. Materials science and research has in the past significantly contributed to solving issues in sustainable energy technologies. To bring about advancement and improvements in energy technologies and to address sustainability, research in nano-materials is expected to contribute significantly to solutions in a highly competitive and increasingly globalize world. Such research will inevitably have to be coordinated at European level but also internationally. In Europe, materials researchers cooperate increasingly in EU funded projects and bilaterally with non-European countries. The EU has concluded S&T agreements and implementation arrangements with India. It foresees the coordination and the execution of joint projects. This proposal intends to address the strategic assessment including synergy analysis of nano-materials research needs in the EU and India. It will establish and communicate to DG RTD and DST the mutual interests and the topics for future coordinated calls to enable the decision & policy makers and the funding bodies to make better informed decisions and to better select the implementation mechanisms and instruments. Beside the assessment, the proposal also addresses the dissemination of the "nano-materials research acquis" in the field by organization of events. Finally, it will bring together researchers for future research collaboration, to exchange ideas for joint projects and to inform each other on their core competencies & expertise. The project aims at the generation and enhancement of knowledge in materials science and research especially nano-materials applied to sustainable energy technologies. It also aims to increase the deployment of these materials in the technologies in both regions.'