Dario Della sala
Found 50 results
Filtri: Autore is Dario Della Sala
Silicon Avalanche Photodiodes Evaluation for Low-Energy Single-Photon Scintillation Readout,
, Eurosensors XVIII, (2004)
Electronic materials via laser radiation,
, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 5120, Wroclaw, p.564-576, (2003)
Low-temperature laser-CVD thin film growth of SiC from Si2H 6 and C2H2,
, Journal of Crystal Growth, Volume 258, Number 3-4, p.272-276, (2003)
In situ laser recrystallization of Si layers during low-pressure chemical vapor deposition: Recrystallization dynamics and influence of the seed layer,
, Journal of Materials Research, Volume 17, Number 11, p.2966-2973, (2002)
Laser-assisted chemical vapor deposition of thick poly-Si layers for solar cells,
, Thin Solid Films, Volume 403-404, Strasbourg, p.302-306, (2002)
Experimental results on silicon annealing by a long-pulse, high-power XeCl laser system,
, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 4070, Potenza-Lecce, Italy, p.345-350, (2000)
Morphological and structural effects of excimer laser treatment of amorphous silicon,
, Micron, Volume 31, Number 3, p.299-307, (2000)
Novel two-pass excimer laser crystallization process to obtain homogeneous large grain polysilicon,
, Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, Volume 558, San Francisco, CA, USA, p.175-186, (2000)
Grain boundary location control by patterned metal film in excimer laser crystallized polysilicon,
, Diffusion and Defect Data Pt.B: Solid State Phenomena, Volume 67, Schwabisch Gmund, Ger, p.175-180, (1999)
Lateral growth control in excimer laser crystallized polysilicon,
, Thin Solid Films, Volume 337, Number 1-2, p.137-142, (1999)
Two-pass excimer laser annealing process to control amorphous silicon crystallization,
, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 2: Letters, Volume 38, Number 8 B, p.L907-L910, (1999)
Process development of amorphous silicon/crystalline silicon solar cells,
, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Volume 48, Number 1-4, p.15-24, (1997)
Characterisation of thin amorphous silicon films with multiple internal reflectance spectroscopy,
, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volume 198-200, Number PART 1, p.69-72, (1996)
Characterization of thin amorphous silicon films with multiple internal reflectance spectroscopy,
, Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 78, Number 12, p.7269-7276, (1995)
Gap density of states in amorphous silicon-germanium alloy: Influence on photothermal deflection spectroscopy and steady-state conductivity measurements,
, Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 67, Number 2, p.814-825, (1990)
Optoelectronic properties of amorphous hydrogenated silicon-germanium alloys,
, Semiconductor Science and Technology, Volume 5, Number 8, p.890-893, (1990)
Transport properties of plasma-deposited amorphous silicon dioxide,
, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volume 115, Number 1-3, p.123-125, (1989)
Critical analysis of the determination of the density of defects in a-Si1-xGex alloys with the PDS technique,
, Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Volume 1, Las Vegas, NV, USA, p.212-217, (1988)
XPS investigation on amorphous silion nitride (a‐SiNx) chemical structure,
, Surface and Interface Analysis, Volume 12, Number 5, p.323-324, (1988)
Evidence of two-phase structure in amorphous silicon oxides produced by N2O+SiH4 glow-discharge decomposition,
, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volume 97-98, Number PART 1, p.423-426, (1987)
a - Si1-xGex: H alloys for solar cells,
, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volume 97-98, Number PART 2, p.1075-1078, (1987)
, Commission of the European Communities, (Report) EUR, London, Engl, p.1001-1005, (1985)
Dual-ion-beam sputtering technique for the production of hydrogenated amorphous silicon,
, Thin Solid Films, Volume 120, Number 3, p.215-222, (1984)
aSi:H produced by double ion-beam sputtering,
, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volume 59-60, Number PART 2, p.723-726, (1983)
Influence of Oxygen on the Photoconductivity of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon,
, physica status solidi (b), Volume 120, Number 1, p.K59-K62, (1983)