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1800 MHz in vitro exposure device for experimental studies on the effects of mobile communication systems

Titolo1800 MHz in vitro exposure device for experimental studies on the effects of mobile communication systems
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione2004
AutoriArdoino, Lucia, Lopresto Vanni, Mancini S., Pinto Rosanna, and Lovisolo G.A.
RivistaRadiation Protection Dosimetry
Parole chiaveaccuracy, article, Cellular Phone, controlled study, dosimetry, Electromagnetic Fields, electromagnetic radiation, Electromagnetics, Humans, in vitro study, incubator, mathematical computing, mobile phone, radiation absorption, radiation dose distribution, Radiation exposure, Radio Waves, radiofrequency radiation, radiometry, Temperature, thermal analysis, Time Factors

A wire patch cell (WPC) operating at the uplink frequency band of GSM 1800 MHz has been designed for in vitro experiments with the aim of investigating the possible biological effects of electromagnetic radiation associated with cellular phones. The 1800 MHz WPC design is a direct descendant of the original 900 MHz WPC introduced by Laval et al. This system provides a homogeneous specific absorption rate distribution, using four 3.5 cm petri dishes simultaneously. Numerical dosimetry has been performed using a commercial code (CST Microwave Studio), in order to evaluate accurately the efficiency of the structure (in terms of W kg-1 per 1 W input power) and the distribution in the chosen biological target. The numerical results have been confirmed by experimental measurements performed by measuring thermal increase due to a high power impulse. The efficiency of the structure is 1.25 ± 25% W kg-1 per 1 W input power higher than the efficiency of the 900 MHz WPC. A few adjustments have been made in order to use the WPC in a standard incubator and to avoid thermal increases related to the radio frequency exposure. This exposure system has been adopted for the experiments scheduled in the RAMP and GUARD projects (VFPE). © Oxford University Press 2004; all rights reserved.


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Citation KeyArdoino2004419