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Progetto TYGRE

High added value materials from waste Tyre Gasification Residues

Tipo di Finanziamento: 
Programmi dell'Unione Europea
Programma UE: 
Settimo Programma Quadro R&ST (2007-2013)
da 1 Settembre 2009 a 28 Febbraio 2013
Ruolo ENEA: 
Responsabile di Progetto: 
Sergio Galvagno

This project is focused on the waste tyres recycling and promotes a thermal process mainly devoted to the production of ceramic materials. The disposal of waste tyres represents a relevant problem within the waste management strategy of the European Community and, despite the attempts of reusing waste tyre in many different ways, a relevant fraction (nearly 23%) is still landfilled. Pyrolysis and gasification are a promising way for alternative high-efficiency material and energy production, since both the processes provide a gaseous and a liquid fraction easily usable as fuels or chemical sources. Nevertheless, besides these encouraging preliminary remarks, the experiences on both pilot and industrial scale have shown that without a valuable exploitation of the solid by-product (char), the whole economic balance of the process is not advantageous and therefore the process is not sustainable. The gasification/pyrolysis treatment of waste tyres, apart from a high hydrogen rich syngas, brings to a very high carbon-rich char fraction, which has been tested in the past as a semi-reinforcing filler for new tyres or as an active carbon. Nevertheless, despite the recent technological advances, it is still unclear whether there is a market demand for this product. On these bases, the main idea of the proposal consists in redirecting the gasification process towards the material recycling, by coupling a second thermal process, dedicated to the plasma synthesis of silicon carbide, to the preliminary waste tyres gasification. The overall strategy of the project's workplan mainly consists of three levels: a.the development of a sustainable recycling process for the waste tyre treatments, with the final construction of a prototype plant, b.the sustainability assessment, in terms of impact analyses on economical, ecological and social aspects, c.the market requirements analysis and the future perspectives in view of potential stakeholders, and the diffusion of the results.'